On the 1st of April, 2024, the kick-off meeting was held online to discuss Output 1 (GAP) of the AJFVC Project. This project is focused on promoting and marketing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) at the national and ASEAN level. The virtual convening was attended by the JICA-ASEAN GAP Team (IDCJ: International Development Center of Japan) along with the AMSs.

During the meeting, a detailed work plan was presented to the AMSs, outlining the implementation arrangements, strategies, and action programs required to harmonise national GAPs and ASEAN GAP. The meeting was initiated to help the AMS understand the ASEAN GAP component of the AJFVC project and comprehend the respective roles of each member state in the project’s implementation. The attendees discussed and explored more about how the project mechanism works and gave insight to explore more about specific aspects and upcoming project events.