Advanced Announcement of Launching the Project in the International Symposium “Promoting Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture and Food System through Innovation: ASEAN’s Initiatives and Japan’s Contribution: ASEAN-Japan friendship and cooperation 50th Anniversary Symposium”

A symposium on promoting resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems through innovation, co-organized by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) with the support of ERIA, was held at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta on November 21. The event aimed to showcase food security initiatives of ASEAN countries to stakeholders from the public and private sectors in the region and Japan. Presentations on innovative initiatives in agriculture and food sectors by Japanese and ASEAN, as well as witness JICA’s launch the ASEAN-JICA Food Value Chain Development Project.

For more details, check the post through this link:

ASEAN and Japan discuss innovation in agriculture and food system