The AJFVC Project team carried out a field study in Malaysia, Thailand, and Brunei Darussalam in May to gain insights into SPS measures in AMSs. In Malaysia, they met with the Department of Agriculture (DOA) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to learn about SPS measures, discuss the AJFVC project, and visit national reference laboratories. They also visited the DOA’s Pesticide Residue Laboratory in Cameron Highlands and MOH’s Food Safety and Quality Laboratory in Penang. The team observed that the DOA and MOH collaborate closely to ensure food safety in the country and for exported products.

The team continued to visit Bangkok to have a meeting with the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodities and Food Standards (ACFS) under the Department of Agriculture to discuss potential collaboration as a training provider for laboratory personnel. The team also visited two accredited laboratories and met with private manufacturers and distributors of chromatography equipment to discuss the challenges faced by AMSs in operating and maintaining such equipment. 

Finally, the project team member visited Brunei Darussalam to meet with the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood (DoAA), the Biosecurity and Market Access Division (BIOSMA) under the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism, and the Brunei Darussalam Food Authority (BDFA) to discuss SPS measures and pesticide residue analysis. The team member also visited the Department of Scientific Services (DSS) under the Ministry of Health as the only national reference laboratory for pesticide residue in food in Brunei. A proper implementation of SPS measures and pesticide residue analysis is crucial to ensure food safety for the people in Brunei due to the country’s heavy reliance on imports from neighbouring countries.